Ecclesiastes Chapter 12: 13
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
I've been reading in Ecclesiastes lately and I have to admit I love this book! How in depth he was and in chapter 12:8 it says: Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity.
I love this, he's always talking about vanity and evil under the sun. While some people may avoid Ecclesiastes because they don't understand it. I totally get it. It's one of my favorite books in the bible. Ecclesiastes is genesis! It puts things into prospective in our lives. Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity. How deep and meaningful that is to me! No matter what we work and accomplish here on earth if it is not for God it is vanity and meaningless! Our hearts, our souls, our spirits must be so in tuned with God that our hands do no evil, our hearts turn not from God, our mind is constantly filled with good thoughts of God. These is what is right. Filling ourselves with worldly lusts and desires will get us nowhere. Having dreams that fulfill our meaningless goals in life is all vanity and a waste, evil under the sun as he says in this book. Life without God is simply not an option for me. And it shouldn't be for each and every one of you. Life with God is so much better! Even though were humans and have problems in life, God is good and always there to help us even if it's in ways we do not understand. Roads we take may be hard, but it may improve our character so that God is polishing the diamond to make it shine brighter than ever before. Maybe the wrong turn you made wasn't God's will, it was just apart of life's circle and God take that and turns it into something wonderful! I love when God performs miracles, I love it when he baffles the medical field, when doctors can't explain what happened to me or anyone who's ever been sick and gotten a negitive test result back and then miraclousy that problem was gone, just like that. When God reaches down and touches our body, I can still feel his hands as he turned my insides around that night I was prayed for and got healed! I may have sickness, and I may even die again and not return back to life, because God did not promise any of us forever here on earth, he did promise us forever in eternity in Heaven with him if we give our hearts and lives to him. If we do that everything will work out.
Back to the first verse Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. I can't believe I've never gotten it before. I know that I was saved many years ago, my heart has always been pure and I have always loved the Lord, but I thought I had to do all these things for God, I thought I had to single handedly change the world and point them to God. For years I wanted to become a famous singer and or writer (I still do, it's my passion- besides God of course!) But it was never for my benefit. Sure it would be cool to be famous and all, but that's not what I'm after, I'm not in it for me, I'm in it for God. I want to go to Hollywood and stand up tall and point to the cross of Christ. I want the world to see this God I know and love and see what he's done for me and through me and somehow change people's lives for the better, I want to point people to Christ. Not shine in my own light, but make God shine through me. This is something that people did not get from me for years. They wondered why I was so obsessed with becoming famous, it wasn't for me, it was for God. I felt that if I could stand tall for all the world to see, that I could change the world and point people to Christ. I see that in this verse it says to Fear God and keep his commandments that is the whole duty of man. Fear which may mean to reverence the Lord, which I do and keep his commandments which I try to do to the best of my ability, that's it. Living for God is so simple and for years I thought I had to turn over cities just to be good enough for God. But all I had to do was to be myself and let my true light shine in me and God can work through that.
Friday, November 18, 2011
The Whole Duty Of Man
November 18, 2011
Labels: Ecclesiastes Ch 12 , God , Salvation , The Whole Duty of Man
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Labels: Ecclesiastes Ch 12 , God , Salvation , The Whole Duty of Man
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Thursday, November 17, 2011
Starbuck Freebie Limited Time Only!
For a limited time Starbucks has a buy one holiday drink get one free. It started today 11/17/11 and will last through 11/20/11 from 2pm to 5pm each of those days. You can choose from Gingerbread Latte, Peppermint Mocha, and Caramel Brulee Latte. Since I'm allergic to peppermint and ginger, whether or not that is acutally in the gingerbread latte I don't know, but I will be getting the Caramel Brulee Latte!
November 17, 2011
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