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Thursday, August 7, 2014

I Will Rebel Against Evil

Deaths shadow comes for me, darkness creeps its way all around me, the spirits of the night try to overwhelm but I rebel.
When the demons call for me I turn my eyes toward a Heavenly prize. When death reaches its hand toward me I call on the name of Jesus to survive.
This is my Testimony.
My testimony is this.
That when darkness came for me God stepped in and intervened.
When Satan reached his hand for me God said no and the devil had to flee.
With the winds of the world and the darkness creeping forth all around I rebel, but I rebel against the evil that would swallow me whole.
I don’t rebel against God, I rebel against the evil one, and I will not sway to his command.
I will not follow the voice of the wicked one no matter what evil in which he dips his hands.
I follow hard after God; it’s in him I find my rest and strength. I rebel against evil and obey God in which I seek.  Many times hard on my knees I cry out to the master above, Savior won’t you have mercy on me the devil is at his evil work again.
Then there’s a knock on the door and the Lord says don’t answer that, this time it’s for me. I will be your go between. And so the Lord answers the door and the devil he must flee.
And so towards God I obey, but toward evil I rebel.
Towards God I will pray, but towards evil I won’t let it cast its spell. For I will rebel against evil, for evil will not prevail.

God I Need You Now

God I Need You Now

God I lay here once again disease has stricken me
I lie awake at night begging for my sanity
I forget what to do when the problems overshadow me
But in my heart of hearts I could never forget you
And it is to you Oh Lord of whom I cling.

Now when the pain is high
And the disease is spread far and wide
Now when the sickness has come
Let me have some peace inside of me.

Please don’t let the disease completely take over me
Please don’t let me completely lose my sanity
Please forgive me now for what I do is not of my own
What I think, how I feel, are not of my choosing.
I am slowly being driven off of mad cliff
The angry villagers see me as a monster
There they are with their pitchforks pointing at me now
Poking me and now I’m falling falling down.

Please Lord don’t let me forget who I am.
And most of all Lord I pray don’t let me ever forget you or your amazing grace.
All these things I pray in Jesus Name today. Amen.