A painful life gone astray from the wondering lights
A painful day and a painful night over and over makes a painful life
A painful disease that haunts the mind, that cripples the muscles after a painful time.
Others mock and glare upon the one who suffers from this painful ride
They try to tell what you should and shouldn't do
They say you are well when sickness is abounded in you
They hustle and hustle because they can't understand a painful mind.
I run and run far as I can, in my mind I'm in a new found land
Away from greed and pain and fear, away from the decaying substance that lies here
Far I run away further still to a place where no pain lives
A place that you don't cry, you don't feel pain, and you don't die.
Since we know Heaven is this place and I know I can't go there today
I retreat to another place like Rainbow Land where me and Rainbow Brite can play
Until the day the Lord calls me home, my imagination is what gets me through
From the crowds onlooking stares to a mob of ignorance saying what's this you have in you, what's this disease, it can't be true.
Just let me lie in my place, let me daydream the day away
And let me keep the secrets still of the horrible things I feel
Yes I keep most of it to myself, if I told them the truth there would be no end
No end in sight from a horrible disease one of which tears at me.