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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Let My People Go!!!

Let My People Go

Listen up oh ends of the earth, all you far and wide; even though my skin isn’t the same color as theirs, and even though I live in another country, they are my people, my lineage goes back to their history. Even though you cannot tell by looking at me, I am too an Israelite indeed. Maybe I’ve gotten a bit of English too, or even American Indian, but the Israel blood is still there too. If you cut me I would bleed, does my blood line not count? Even though it’s so long ago, does my blood not flow from the same veins as theirs? And if this be so why do you seek to harm my people?
I cannot understand this world it is no good. People trying to harm each other based on geography or the color of their skin. Listen up and listen well, I claim them as my own, even though were centuries away, I’m still Jewish too, even though were centuries away I’m still English too, and even though were centuries away I’m still American Indian too. So let my people go or else there will be hell and high water to pay if you do not let my people go.
Let them go, hold them captive no more. It’s time to set them free. Stop making them live in fear and let them alone. For they are God’s people too are we not all his own? But if you harm Israel the Lord will not tolerate, he shall come down like lightening and eat up your estate. I suggest you let my people go before it’s too late, or else the wrath of the Lord will bestow upon you and you will not be able to escape.