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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Donald Trump, Really?

OK, so when did Donald Trump become a runner for the presidency? I mean he's rich, kind of mean, and annoying. Who would want to vote for someone like that? I have always voted Republican, but if he gets the Republican spot I will be voting Democrat next election!!!! I'm just blown away that he's actually trying to run. I mean lets just put bugs bunny up for president while were at it. I always thought he was mean, would do anything to get where he wanted to go and would walk over the little guy to get there. I just don't like him, maybe its just me, but does anyone else actually think he's a good idea for president? 

Porphyrin Woman

OK, so I found this totally awesome place on marvel's website where you can create your own superhero. So this is the superhero I would create if I could turn a certain disease I have into a super power. I would call her Porphryin Woman and she would subdue her enemies with balls of crazy!!  Of course she has to be able to fly and have super strength, but take from the disease turn it around and make a sickness a super power and you have a pretty awesome super hero, probably an indestructible and un defeat-able too. Especially with the Porphyrin balls of crazy!!!!

Unfortunately I can't seem to get the picture on here. But you get the idea. Porphyrin woman would kick butt and she would wear mostly purple and pink, but not too much pink, not like bright pink, like a darkish pink. And she would be able to fly above anything else, she must be able to fly!!! And let's not forget the Porphyrin balls of crazy, that's a total must!

Because of the Cross Jesus Feels Our Pain

I know it seems that I'm consumed with this disease that all I think about is God and the disease. And it's true, that's all I think about. Living every day like something huge might come and blow up in your face is about how I live and feel. Because if you have a rare disease you understand that it takes a lot out of you. That your constantly thinking of ways to feel better, even to cure yourself. Other people may look at you and think that your consumed and shouldn't be, but the truth is your consumed, because the disease has consumed you, and your just fighting to survive. Now I do think a lot about God. Because he is the center of my world, he has healed me when I was near death, he has saved my life, even brought me back when the disease tried to take me. Because if I just thought about the disease I would go stark ravening mad. But I also think about God and he helps me to get through it. Because without him I am lost and without him I would have no power over the disease, it would control me. He is here right with me, with the disease, because of what he did for us on Calvary he can go through life's hard times with us. He is right here feeling what I'm feeling, seeing what I'm seeing, and hearing what I'm hearing. He knows how I feel, what I need, and what I need to do to be better. Jesus is right here with us in our hard times if we believe in him and trust him to save us. If we have accepted his gift of salvation he is right here with us through life and through death. Through sickness and through health, like a marriage vow only better. Marriage vows can be broken, but God never breaks his vow to us. He will never leave nor forsake us. He is always here with us, going through what were going through and leading us to the cross.