That night was many years ago. I was still in high school. I've only talked about it a few times because many times I get the are you out of your mind look. So I quit talking about it. It is now that I realize that when God preforms a miracle it is not my place to hide it but to share it. So whether you believe or not this is my story of the night I died and lived to tell about it.
I have been sick all my life it wasn't until right after high school the doctors figured out what I had. I spent many years in a lot of pain without any answers and no one knew except my parents and God. I didn't tell people about my sickness back then because what would I say? Hi, I'm constantly in extreme pain my stomach feels like a thousand knives are craving out my insides, my periods are not normal, they are very painful and even hospitalizing. I frequently get paranoid and so on. No, I couldn't say any of that or any of the other many symptoms I have because I would look like a dope. But screw it, all bets are off, these are most certainly the last days before the Lord's return. So I must tell my story, right?
One night in high school I went to bed as usual. In a lot of pain and nothing to do about it. But what happened next is what changed my life forever. Probably not long after I fell asleep I died. How do I know this? Simple many wonders happened that night. One of which I saw my grandfather who died long before I was born. He was a minister and missionary. A great Christian leader in his day. And for reasons I don't fully understand I can't begin to tell you what we talked about, because I don't remember much of what was said. I know that I talked with him for what seemed like hours. There are certain parts of my experience that I am leaving out like the setting I was in and something he said to me because I don't want to go into detail about the setting and I don't know how to explain what he said to me. The next thing I knew he started to go up like flying upwards and he reached out his hand for me and I took it and we both were going up beyond clouds into the Heavens and just before these two huge doors. And the doors were made out of material I don't even know how to describe. The designs on them were so intricate and out of this world that nothing down here could compare to the massiveness there. And my grandfather stopped turned around and said "No, you have too much work left to do." And with that I woke up gasping for breath because I could not breathe, and I could feel this presence of death, and the worst thing of all I could smell my own rotting flesh and that is a smell unlike any other that you never forget for the rest of your life. To wake up after being so close to Heaven; gasping for breath and smelling your own rotting flesh is a feeling unlike any other. On one hand your glad to be alive, on the other your sad to see Heaven pass by. It's like a beautiful painting that is ripped into and you only have one part of it and the other part is gone. But God brought me back to life so He wants me to live to help in His kingdom and that is what I must live for. So this is my story about the night I died, talked with my grandfather who has been gone from this earth many years, almost made it to Heaven, and woke up gasping for breath and worst of all smelling my own rotting flesh. Believe me if you will, if not then thats all right, but know this God is real, Heaven does exist, and we all will go somewhere when we die. Where will you end up is the question? Just try to live your life for God and make sure to tell others about the amazing gift of grace that Jesus has done for us on the cross.
I live because of God, and I live for God. Jesus is my strength, Jesus is my God, and I believe He is the God of Israel.
So in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, God of Israel, King of the Jews is my life dedicated to.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
The Night I Died And Lived To Tell About It
July 16, 2013
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