The eyes of the Lord are upon us and
everything we do.
The Lord sees all our downfalls and the
good we do too.
Nothing is hid from him, he knows
There’s nowhere to go, nowhere to hide
God sees everywhere.
The eyes of the Lord searches, searches
out far and wide.
For someone with integrity and a heart that
bleeds for the lost cause.
The eyes of the Lord seeks someone,
someone to call his very own.
He wants to embrace us; he wants us to
prepare for our coming home.
Up high in the heavens where the Lord
lives king of all.
He sits enthroned with angels preparing a
city for all his saints to come home.
This world is temporary, nothing down
here can stick.
No money, no power, nothing can be taken
when you go.
But the Lord desires us to be righteous,
following the Ten Commandments at all cost.
Not straying from the fold of God.
Living a life worthy to be called a child
of God.
Living a life of honor and pure of heart.
Living a life for God.