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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Make purses at home!

There are several ways you can make cute purses at home.

1) The kool aid purse. Buy a bunch of kool aid drinks, the ones in the boxes. After you drink it and it's empty throw away the straw. With each of the left over kool aid packets place together against a cardboard. Use clear tape and tape all around. Do this for 5 different cardboards. Make sure you get the sides how big or small you want them, and the bottom as well. Then place one cardboard like say the front of the purse against the side of the purse. Basically you want to be thinking of what it will look like when it's done. So taking the front and side together like what a purse would look like, use clear tape to tape together, do for all sides until you have front, back 2 sides, and bottom and it looks like a little kool aid box. Then either do kool aid straps the same way, you'll probably want to staple the bottoms into the cardboard where you want the handles or go to wal-mart and buy those pre made handles and put them on there however you want.

2) Use the same cardboard and clear tape method above, but use pictures of your friends and families or pictures out of a magazine instead. This time glue the pictures to the cardboard and then use clear tape to go around it as a protector when done.

3) Grab your fav material, a needle and thread, and sew a sack like or bag like bottom, like a purse. Then sew the handles (your making them), then sew the handles into the finished bag like purse bottom. Whalla your done. They may not be the most expensive purses, but their kind of cute when finished!!!!