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Monday, April 19, 2010

Try, Try Again, and pray you don't see a train!

I ride a bike and fall off, so I get back on.
I bake cookies and burn them, so I try again.
I play the piano badly, so I practice more.
I go door knocking and get the door slammed in my face, so I try the next house.
I drive my car into a tree, so I call the insurance to get it fixed then go wreck another car. lol just kidding.
I paint my nails, and mess up, so I start again.
I get a rare blood disease, but I keep God first so that I will live.
The point of this little tale, is we will fall down sometimes, we will fail, but we must persevere, we must trudge on and try again. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel but pray it's not a train. :)