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Monday, May 23, 2011

Blown Away

It's hard for me to hear about the tornado's lately and all the destruction it has caused. Especially in Joplin, MO which isn't far from me, that really scares me the most. I have grown up in areas where tornado's were common my whole life. And they would come and go, but I have never seen anything like this where they have just started tearing up towns. It seems in the past couple of years that the weathers have started to turn and that things are getting worse. Could this be a sign of the times? It says in the Bible that weather will change and things will become worse and that's when you know the coming of the Lord is soon. Now, I'm not one of those people that will tell you oh God is coming on this day, THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS!! The bible says NO MAN knows the day or the hour of the Lord's return, so when I hear about people saying oh the Lord will come back on this day, I want to start laughing because that is not what the bible says. But it does say to be aware of the time. So could we be close? Well we are closer than ever before. But our definition of closeness and God's is two different things. We are aware of time going by, the bible says one day to God is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day. So yes we are close to the coming of the Lord, but when I do not know, perhaps this year, or maybe next, or maybe 10 years from now. The point is not to try and sit down and pin point the exact day, because the bible says that's not possible, because NO MAN knows the day or the hour of the Lord's return. Only the Father knows. All we can do is to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Lord. Whether he comes back today, next week, in 3 years we will never know until it actually happens. But we do need to prepare our hearts, accept Christ as your saviour, believe he died on the cross and rose from the grave on the third day and believe he is God. Just prepare yourself is all you can do. As for the destruction of tornadoes and bad weather, what will be will be. So do not worry, tornadoes come and go, hopefully they go more than they come. But as long as we are ready to meet God we will be good. I don't like tornadoes, I do get scared, but I know I have to trust in God and everything will work out. Whether God spares us from it or we all get blown away, no matter what happens, I must trust in God. And I will be just fine. No devil from hell can take away my peace unless I let him. So to all those that are suffering loss and destruction tonight, I pray for you. I pray you will find peace as well, and that your hearts are ready for God, and that your gains out way your losses. God have mercy on us all and God bless the USA!

Peace to all tonight, for those that have gone, may they be in Heaven's open door, for those that are left behind, may they find the peace to carry on through the storm. And for the tornadoes still awaiting us, may they not come or at least not cause any more destruction. And let the God of peace heal our broken hearts as we get through this time of destruction.