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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Petition for a Cure!!

Please help by signing this petition for congress to support more research for Porphyria and other genetic diseases. Time to find a cure! The time is now! Who else besides me is sick and tired of waiting around for other people to do something about our illness? It's time to stand and say we want a cure! Please do more genetic testing, more scientific research to help us find a cure. If your with me please sign. Thanks for your help!

Sign Petition


ALin said...

Hi Rachel Michelle, my name is Allison and I have Hereditary Coproporphyria. Just so you know I signed the petition :) I think it is so admirable that you want to find a cure for porphyria, and with God anything is possible. I greatly admire your faith and zest for life even more so because I can identify with all your pain and this horrible disease. Thank you for being you!
P.S. This is my member's stories link on the American Porphyria Foundation website:

ALin said...

Hi Rachel Michelle, my name is Allison and I have Hereditary Coproporphyria. I am so inspired by your blog, and that you have made it your life's mission to find a cure for this disease. I signed the petition as well :) I greatly admire your faith more so than many others because I can empathize with how horrific porphyria is. Thank you for being so wonderful!
P.S. This is my member story on the American Porphyria Foundation's website: