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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Jewish and Christian Prayers

Most people may wonder why I'm so interested in Judaism when I'm a Christian. It's very simple really as a Christian I believe Christianity was founded on Judaism  I believe that Christ came to fulfill the law and the prophecies that the prophets had prophesied about. Jesus Christ is a Christians Savior but what most people may forget is He was a Jew. Because the Jews are God's chosen people. So naturally I am wondering what Judaism teaches and what they believe and what things they hold sacred. So, I came up with two prayers one is for Christians and the other for Jews, since Jews don't believe in Jesus, unless they are messianic Jews. 

Christian Prayer:

Jesus thank you for dying for us to wash away our sins when we come to you and ask forgiveness. Thank you for being God and saving our souls and healing our bodies. Lord please set your holy angels around us and keep us safe from harm and let no evil of flesh or of spirit come against us. Let us live in your spirit and keep your commandments in Jesus name I pray amen.

Jewish Prayer:

God above please hear our cry. Watch over us, lead and guide us throughout our lives. Help us to always be safe from harm and set your holy angeles around us at night. Keep us safe from any harm of flesh or of spirit and let goodness live in us always. Keep those who would wish us harm away from us and let your holy protection be upon us. Lead us throughout our lives into your truth. And let Israel prosper for all time. And may the God of Israel reign forevermore and throughout all time. Let the Jewish people prosper, let God reign, and may the God of Israel be upon us tonight. In the name of the God of Israel amen.