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Thursday, June 21, 2018


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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The One Free Thing

In a world where you have to pay for everything you want and need it's nice to know that there is still one free thing, salvation. Because Jesus paid the price for us on Calvary so we wouldn't have to pay it and so that we wouldn't be lost. 

If you ever felt like this (short poem)

I'm up, I'm down I'm sinking now
The pit's mouth opens and swallows me

Then you will be happy to know that salvation is still free. Yes, Jesus paid the cost for us. 

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Beauty Boxes

I am obsessed with subscription beauty boxes! They are the best! You get so many good samples and full sized products for the price you pay for the box! I wished I could be in more boxes! Here's a list of boxes I like. I have to say I'm not in them all but I've read and watched reviews on some of them and they are amazing!!!

1) IPSY $10 a month https://www.ipsy.com

2) Birchbox $10 a month https://www.birchbox.com

3) Play by Sephora $10 a month https://www.sephora.com/product/play-subscription-P396286

4) Allure $15 a month https://beautybox.allure.com/

5) FaceTory for 7 sheet masks $15.95 plus $3.95 a month  https://www.facetory.com/pages/plans

6) Look Fantastic $19.00 a month https://us.lookfantastic.com/beauty-box/lookfantastic-beauty-box-subscription/11140463.html

7) Glossybox $21.00 a month https://www.glossybox.com

8) Boxycharm $21.00 a month https://www.boxycharm.com

9) Lip Monthly $12.95 a month https://lipmonthly.com

10) Lola $21.00 a month https://www.lolabeautybox.com

11) Pink Parcel (Period box) $19.95 a month https://subscribe.pink-parcel.com/us/?bp_e=nuULn7YPqhW8C8oEzxv0Kzzv%2FK5v%2BmMYdisg5s5CKZcjo3dhUm2jdKwAheOy%0AYn1WhvXmWagKzwUJkLcgUTFjDR%2FaR1oIt7yCeocfXE5itpiz%2FoGCjihG2rwe%0A7W5StzxdJo2kBnKzBRqxkio7ab26yd%2BDzwk8FJ46kY5L8ytiFrB7WeWPkw0C%0AWJA%2B8Tc1O3%2FPHbugMfoMwDfDnk4VxRC0AQsvhJCgsKTTNaCFV2BligeU8u1Z%0AsgX7WuQW7c%2FnHteBlt9%2BiCaXO%2FlCjhTs9sl1Ivr4MptISh4%2FaS6teBz1hxrx%0AAeFMqVamIK%2BBeE44fp3arFKX0Qe2riel%2F71J6AVIVyQtC1G0lzU2tOtU98IT%0AKZc%3D&___store=pinkparcel_usa

12) Julep $24.99 a month https://www.julep.com/offer/box/polishgift

13) Color Curate $20.95 a month https://colorcurate.sosusan.com

14) Macy's $15.00 a month https://www.macys.com/subscription/beauty-box?cm_mmc=MCOM-_-20170612_MCOM_BeautyBox-_-beauty-_-MB1_061217EMAILMCOMBeautyBoxMB1&cm_lm_mo64=bGl6QG15c3Vic2NyaXB0aW9uYWRkaWN0aW9uLmNvbQ==&smtrctid=5286455962&ranMID=3184&ranEAID=QFGLnEolOWg&ranSiteID=QFGLnEolOWg-ds_NNLGw_p2k12McAnYI6g&LinkshareID=QFGLnEolOWg-ds_NNLGw_p2k12McAnYI6g

15) Benevolent $29.95 a month https://www.cratejoy.com/subscription-box/benevolent-beauty-box/

These are just a few that I know of. There are a ton more out there. Here's a good website to go to, to research different boxes.


And if you would like to watch youtube video's on unboxing some beauty boxes here's a couple of my favorites.

Diary of a 40 something https://youtu.be/1C9_WshD8V4

Eltoria https://youtu.be/HdrLdDDpwSE

Everyday Heidi https://youtu.be/O2m3TN-EPkA