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Sunday, June 10, 2018

Beauty Boxes

I am obsessed with subscription beauty boxes! They are the best! You get so many good samples and full sized products for the price you pay for the box! I wished I could be in more boxes! Here's a list of boxes I like. I have to say I'm not in them all but I've read and watched reviews on some of them and they are amazing!!!

1) IPSY $10 a month https://www.ipsy.com

2) Birchbox $10 a month https://www.birchbox.com

3) Play by Sephora $10 a month https://www.sephora.com/product/play-subscription-P396286

4) Allure $15 a month https://beautybox.allure.com/

5) FaceTory for 7 sheet masks $15.95 plus $3.95 a month  https://www.facetory.com/pages/plans

6) Look Fantastic $19.00 a month https://us.lookfantastic.com/beauty-box/lookfantastic-beauty-box-subscription/11140463.html

7) Glossybox $21.00 a month https://www.glossybox.com

8) Boxycharm $21.00 a month https://www.boxycharm.com

9) Lip Monthly $12.95 a month https://lipmonthly.com

10) Lola $21.00 a month https://www.lolabeautybox.com

11) Pink Parcel (Period box) $19.95 a month https://subscribe.pink-parcel.com/us/?bp_e=nuULn7YPqhW8C8oEzxv0Kzzv%2FK5v%2BmMYdisg5s5CKZcjo3dhUm2jdKwAheOy%0AYn1WhvXmWagKzwUJkLcgUTFjDR%2FaR1oIt7yCeocfXE5itpiz%2FoGCjihG2rwe%0A7W5StzxdJo2kBnKzBRqxkio7ab26yd%2BDzwk8FJ46kY5L8ytiFrB7WeWPkw0C%0AWJA%2B8Tc1O3%2FPHbugMfoMwDfDnk4VxRC0AQsvhJCgsKTTNaCFV2BligeU8u1Z%0AsgX7WuQW7c%2FnHteBlt9%2BiCaXO%2FlCjhTs9sl1Ivr4MptISh4%2FaS6teBz1hxrx%0AAeFMqVamIK%2BBeE44fp3arFKX0Qe2riel%2F71J6AVIVyQtC1G0lzU2tOtU98IT%0AKZc%3D&___store=pinkparcel_usa

12) Julep $24.99 a month https://www.julep.com/offer/box/polishgift

13) Color Curate $20.95 a month https://colorcurate.sosusan.com

14) Macy's $15.00 a month https://www.macys.com/subscription/beauty-box?cm_mmc=MCOM-_-20170612_MCOM_BeautyBox-_-beauty-_-MB1_061217EMAILMCOMBeautyBoxMB1&cm_lm_mo64=bGl6QG15c3Vic2NyaXB0aW9uYWRkaWN0aW9uLmNvbQ==&smtrctid=5286455962&ranMID=3184&ranEAID=QFGLnEolOWg&ranSiteID=QFGLnEolOWg-ds_NNLGw_p2k12McAnYI6g&LinkshareID=QFGLnEolOWg-ds_NNLGw_p2k12McAnYI6g

15) Benevolent $29.95 a month https://www.cratejoy.com/subscription-box/benevolent-beauty-box/

These are just a few that I know of. There are a ton more out there. Here's a good website to go to, to research different boxes.


And if you would like to watch youtube video's on unboxing some beauty boxes here's a couple of my favorites.

Diary of a 40 something https://youtu.be/1C9_WshD8V4

Eltoria https://youtu.be/HdrLdDDpwSE

Everyday Heidi https://youtu.be/O2m3TN-EPkA