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Saturday, January 30, 2010

This World Is Not My Home

This world is not my home, I’m just passing through, my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. The Angels beckon me to Heaven open shore and I can’t feel at home in this world anymore. Oh Lord you know I have no friend like you, if Heaven’s not my home, oh Lord what will I do. The Angels beckon me to Heaven’s open door and I can’t feel at home in this world anymore.
Those are the words to one of the greatest gospel hymns. It tells me the writer was tired of this world, he was tired of living with people that didn’t understand him, that didn’t understand his mission in life, that didn’t understand his reason for being.
I feel like that writer. I’m tired, I’m tired of living in a world where people have sex before marriage and then look at me and say oh a 27 year old virgin? Whatever will we do with her? I’m tired of living among people whose sole purpose in life is to cause mayhem and destruction. I’m tired of living with friends and family members, who do not understand me, do not understand what I am trying to achieve for Christ, who do not understand my purpose here on earth. I am tired.
The writer has expressed a sense of frustration. A sense of longing for relief from beyond. He’s walked a road less traveled and others are staring at him in disbelief. There saying what’s wrong with him, why isn’t he like us. Why doesn’t he go to parties and stay out till all hours in the morning, then to come home stoned and half alive. Drugged by the very society that is trying to slowly kill him. No not kill him physically, kill him spiritually. Why can’t someone grow up in this world and be a good God fearing person without being looked on as weird or different. Why must the norm be partying and sex before marriage? Why can’t the norm be following Christ?
I say to you today, follow not the ways of this world, for the ways of this world are self destruction and death. A spiritual death that slowly eats away at your flesh, that slowly devours you from inside to out. Do not follow the path most traveled, only to wake up one morning and find the bride groom of Christ come to take all who are saved with him to Heaven and you are among those left behind. Do not follow a mere norm of those whose leader is Satan, Do not follow those whose God is there belly and end is destruction. Follow the one who came to this earth to live, breathe, and die on a cross so that you could be saved. To die in your, mine, our place. Follow the cross of Christ.