Restless were the nights she saw the demons fighting her each day.
Painful were the thorns in her side as she wrestled every day.
Yet she carried on, being, believing in God, keeping high her faith.
While others laughed and mocked the way she was.
She knew that there would be better days.
Every curse they snare upon her, she rebuked it and went on her way.
Strong she was inside of her, yet weak her body she lay.
Even though the disease was affecting her.
She continued on her way.
Knowing that God, was good and faithful, never leaving her side.
Knowing that a crown he'd put on her when her race of life was run.
When others betrayed her, God soon became her best friend.
While demons attacked her, God gave peace to her in these times.
When the hours were long and the pain was too much, God soon made a way for her.
When everything comes crumbing down before her, she holds fast to God faithful hand.
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